Reg. No. 012-860-NPO
Satyagraha is a monthly newspaper and was created as an alternate media to inspire initially South Africans of Indian origin, in particular the youth, now broadened to reach a cross section of the South African population as well as the International community. The aim was to create a new ethos based on the principles of
- nonviolence,
- national and religious reconciliation, and
- truth.
Since inception Satyagraha has steadily made progress and is being recognized as an important communication medium by more and more people, locally and internationally.
It has over the five years of its existence tried to build into its work a component of:
- education,
- alternate information and
- stories of positive achievements in the world.
- During this time it has also steadily built up a resource base of:
- exhibition material
- videos
- multi media presentations
- books, publications and newspaper-clips.
During the past six years Satyagraha has attempted to look at media broadly as a communication tool which can be used to transmit information and ideas in different ways to meet the needs of the people generally. It has also attempted to ensure that production is regular that an interested readership is built up, and a distribution network is established.
For the past six years Satyagraha has worked on a purely voluntary basis, paying only for printing and distribution.1. Newspaper:
Stories in Satyagraha have been based on socio- political-economic situations which are not only a critical appraisal of what is but are also indicating a search for solutions. The focus has been developmental goals and achievements by communities trying to address their own issues. Sustainability issues, Poverty, poverty, literacy, health, sports, recreation, culture, religion, environmental, and gender issues. Stories with a positive message receive top priority.
2. Radio and TV:
Satyagraha had a few radio talk shows but these have largely been interviews. Attempts to pursue the possibility of having a slot on a radio are continuing.
3. Web-site:
Our web site is constantly developed and new information fed into it.
Thousands of readers have been visiting the site since its inception earlier in the year. The creation of the web site has transposed Satyagraha from a local to an international media.
4. Resources and multi media presentations:
Over the last year we have built up a library with several exhibitions on Sustainable Development, Gandhi’s ideas, the apartheid legacy, alternate media, Indian Opinion, Story of Inanda and on the land issue. More productions are being visualized in the next year.
We have a collection of videos on nonviolence, depicting struggles of African Americans, Martin Luther King, Mahatma Gandhi and others including the South African struggle. These resources are used for training in schools.
We have power point presentations on various topics such as 10 years of democracy in South Africa, the role of the Civil Service for Public Administration students, Trade unionism and nonviolence, and on understanding nonviolent action.All these presentations and resources have been successfully used with both local and foreign students.
5. Conferences:
We have presented papers at various conferences and have been able to project Satyagraha as a leader in the alternate media. Gandhian ideals have been discussed broadly and the world view of how the alternate media can make a difference has been projected at these conferences.
6. Articles:
Our articles reflect the other side of the picture. Whereas the mainline media projects wars and terrorism we project stories where people have sought peaceful ways of dealing with conflict. This newspaper has now taken its place as a paper that is making a difference in the lives of ordinary people.
7. Conclusion:Having had discussions with many people in the world of media who express concern at the trend of sensationalism, character assassination, crime and grime in modern media, it is evident that a newspaper such as Satyagraha can play a major role not only in South Africa but also in the international community. The dedicated service and voluntary contributions of like minded people makes the paper sustainable.